Course Handouts
- The ICFAI University, Raipur, follows best academic practices by providing comprehensive course handouts to students at the start of each semester.
- These handouts serve as a roadmap for the course, offering a detailed course overview, learning outcomes, instructor information, and course structure.
- They also outline the assessment methods, grading criteria, and important resources and references.
- Additionally, policies on makeup classes and academic expectations are included to ensure students have clarity on every aspect of their course.
- This initiative helps students stay informed and better prepared for academic success.

FIT Course Handout Second Semester 2023-2024
FOA Course Handout Second Semester 2023-24
FOC Course Handout Second Semester-2023-24
FOE Course Handout Second Semester-2023-24
FMS Course Handout Second Semester-2023-24
FOL Course Handout Second Semester-2023-24
FOS Course Handout Second Semester-2023-24
FST Course Handout Second Semester 2023-24
FOE Course Handouts First Semester 2023-2024-N
FOC Course Handouts First Semester 2023-2024
FIT Course Handouts First Semester 2023-2024
FOA Course Handouts First Semester 2023-2024-N
FMS Course Handouts First Semester 2023-24
FOS Course Handouts First Semeter 2023-2024
FST Course Handouts First Semester 2023-24
FOL Course Handouts First Semester 2023-2024
Faculty of Information Technology Second Semester 2022-23
Faculty of Science and Technology Second Semester 2022-23
Faculty of Science Second Semester 2022-23
Faculty of Management Studies Second Semester 2022-23
Faculty of Arts and Humanities Second Semester 2022-23
Faculty of Commerce Second Semester 2022-23
Faculty of Education Second Semester 2022-23